Sunday, 26 December 2010

How to delete permanent redirection of website in Linux

Yes, you can remove the redirects via SSH. Login to server and cd to directory /home/<user>/public_html/ directory and you will see the redirects in .htaccess files.
where, <user> is the actual username of the account.

Knowledge Base Web Hosting Free Guide, Web Hosting Discussion Community

Internal Server Error 500

if internal Server Error occur in php based hosted file
you can do the following
go to
pico /home/vulhr/public_html/.htaccess

in this  vulhr is domain name
and comment these below line as these are

#php_value file_uploads 1
#php_value post_max_size 100M
#php_value max_input_time -1
#php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
a web hosting guide for all IT Professionals knowledge base web hosting guide

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

How to install Fantastico in Cpanel (WHM)

How to install Fantastico  in Cpanel (WHM)

if you dont have Fantastico and need to install
it in your cpanel here its just few steps
(1)  Give the following command in ssh in linux

cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
wget -N
tar -xzpf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
rm -rf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz

Then Go to Tweak Setting remember must login in whm as Root

then go to its option option IonCubeLoader   is on
by default it is off
Then go to ssh in linux OS
and Run This 


This will rebuild cpanel internal Php

Now restart Cpanel service by following command

service cpanel restart

its magic and its fun your Fantastico is installed
and ready to use now to to Whm again
and allow users (Fantastico) you want

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

how to Backup of your website from Cpanel WHM

Today we will discuss how to take backup of a website
from cpanel whm
In previous discussion i have already told you how to login
in cpanel most of the users from USA Canada  Australia
ask me how to take backup from cpanel so her it is a brief
guide line it will enable you to take a full back up of your
website in case if you loose your data or if you are going to
change your hosting , you can easily upload your entire website
i assume you are already login in cpanel
go to backup option in cpanel click on it
there will be now option display weekly or daily this is the main backup
screen  scroll down the screen click on the full bacup option because
now you are going to download a full back of your web site
there is an option of
backup destination     click on remote ftp
email address            enter the email id
remote ftp       
remote ftp user         your ftp user where you want to save
password                  password of remote ftp username
now click on generate backup
a complete back up will generated in your remote ftp account

Friday, 17 December 2010

how to use cpanel

how to login in cpanel
open your browser, type your cpanel path which can be like this
a new pop up windows appear where you give your user-name and password which is provided by  your hosting service provider enter , now you are login and can manage your task from cpanel(whm)
How to create email for your domain
Now lets create a pop email account , go to email accounts option in c panel click Manage Ad email account there will be already email account in your Email accounts option which is default log in of your c panel provided by hosting provider, now click on add new email account , remember if you have more than one domain in this panel , like sub-domain     which will appear like this hear  then be careful to choose correct domain so your email can be in correct address which you want to represent ,,,now enter your new email address which can be  yourname  choose password, confirm password  and quota , press create button and now your email has been created and now you can use your new email address  and   here is often email link     OR        

how to create subdomain
click to subdomain icon or text which is visible in c panel new window will appear where you will enter your subdomain name and press add now your sub-domain is ready to use

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Obtaining hosting

Web hosting is often provided as part of a general Internet access plan; there are many free and paid providers offering these services. The free services generally have restrictions on how the space can be used, including but not limited to: advertising, bandwidth restrictions, and programs that can be used to edit sites.

Businesses are generally restricted to using a paid Web host to host their site on. Paid Web hosts usually provide many more features, including 24/7 support and personalized assistance. Sites hosted on paid Web hosts also tend to load more quickly since each server hosts fewer sites, giving each site a larger proportion of resources.

A customer also needs to evaluate the requirements of the application. Such considerations include database server software, scripting software, and operating system. Active Server Pages (ASP) web sites usually require a Microsoft Windows based server platform. Most hosting providers provide Linux-based web hosting which offers a wide range of different software. A typical configuration for a Linux server is the LAMP Platform. This includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Python, Perl or Ruby). Usually there is limited interoperability between the two, although Linux servers can integrate with Windows file services through Samba, and many Linux hosts provide support for Microsoft FrontPage server extensions.

Regardless of whether one is a business or has a personal site that needs to be hosted, it has to be created first. HTML experience is usually required to create a site (and more advanced languages can be used for interactive content, such as ASP or those languages

Monday, 4 October 2010

web hosting support

The most common web hosting problems

There has been a rapidly rising demand for web hosting services and many of the part-time basis-basement operations have found it virtually impossible to meet the new quality and service demands of web sites. Many who had previously gotten away with shoddy services and a technical service department that was just an answering machine where all callers including clients with emergency situations left their messages.
You may be unfortunate enough to still be using a hosting service like this one. Our advice is that it is too costly in today’s net environment. Here are the 3 most common complaints against hosting providers:

1. Poor Technical Support

This complaint is by far the one that is mostly heard. Many hosting companies outsource their technical support and the result is often total chaos. Clients get answering machines or voice mail systems when they call. Sometimes you can even get non-English speaking technicians. Other times trouble tickets go unanswered for days without resolution.

2. Reliability

Reliability is another major complaint with sites being down to many times or being too slow at certain times. All this impacts negatively on the performance and revenue potential of the site.

3. Delays after signing up

When people sign up for web sites, they are often anxious to go ahead as quickly as possible. Nobody wants delays. But with many web hosts, after signing up it takes days for the account to be ready.

How to avoid hosting problems

Being aware of the problems is the first step in avoiding them. There are other things we can do to keep hosting issues from becoming last minute disasters.

Carefully choosing a reliable hosting provider

Try to read as much reviews of other peoples about a hosting provider and made sure you won’t be next victim of bad provider, also try to figure out are they the best place to host your website application, for example HostGator seem to be great for almost kind of PHP web app, but Godaddy seem to be always have problems even with popular open source app like WordPress, Magento,…

Get the technical contacts to talk to each other directly.

If we can get the technical contact at the client to discuss these issues with our system administrator early on in the process, we can usually discover and address all these issues before they become problems. If the two technical contacts work together during the DNS modification stage, errors are less likely to occur. Our agency partners can be helpful in this regard by simply making inquiry into who the technical contact is and making the proper introductions.



How do I get my own domain name?

It's important to realize that domain registration is separate from web hosting and normally these two services are provided by two completely different companies. You can register your domain name with any of the ICANN-approved domain registrars and the registration does not tie you to any particular web host. Furthermore, you can change web hosting providers while maintaining the same domain registrar or vice versa. Read more about Domain Names.


Can I host my web site myself, in my home or office?

Yes. If you already have a DSL, T-1, or, in some cases, cable connection in your home or office, you can dedicate one of the computers to be your web server and run it yourself. In this case, you don't incur any extra charges for web hosting (of course, you still have to pay for your connectivity). However, this has often been shown to be the least efficient method of hosting as it puts heavy additional requirements on your office connectivity line (with DSL, for instance, you will realistically have to use the more expensive symmetric DSL (SDSL) variant), exposes you to security risks, requires a dedicated computer which can not be turned off, and so on. But yes, this is possible. Read our article on Web Hosting on DSL/Cable/T1 for more information.
If you're new to buying web hosting or running a web site, this page could answer some of those nagging questions. We'll take you from the very beginning and work up to some fairly advanced concepts - but don't worry, everything on this page is suitable for absolute beginners.

What is web hosting?

Think about the files and folders on your computer. They are stored on the hard disk of your desktop or laptop computer, ready for you to access them whenever you like. A web page is a file, just like your word processing documents. Just as your word processing documents require your computer to store them, all web pages require a computer to store them.
The difference is that web pages are generally intended to be seen by the general public. To enable this, the computer on which they must be stored must be of a much higher specification than your desktop PC, and must be connected to the Internet through a very powerful link.
A computer on which web pages are stored is called a web server (because it serves pages, on request, to users on the Internet). Collectively a bunch of web pages is a web site, and collectively all the web pages in the world form the World Wide Web (WWW).
The job of making web sites and web pages available to many users is called web hosting. We sometimes like to call the product we offer web space, because we are selling "space" on the Internet for you to host your web site. Web space is measured in megabytes, in exactly the same way as the space on your desktop PC is measured.

Why do I need web hosting?

It is technically possible to connect your desktop PC to the Internet and have it serve pages. But it is not practical since generally a home-based Internet connection is not powerful enough to serve many users at the same time.
For this reason, web hosting companies exist. They own and maintain very powerful web servers which house your documents. They also connect their web servers to the Internet by very powerful connections, enabling many web users to access your web pages at the same time.
If you want to run a web site you need web hosting because unless you've got unlimited funds you would not be able to afford the web servers and connections necessary.

What else do web hosting companies do?

As well as providing web space web hosting companies invariably provide a number of other "value-added" services. The extent of these varies from company to company but there are some key services provided by nearly all. These are the registration of domain names (see below) and provision of email services. They may also provide technical support either through their web sites or by email or telephone.

Are there different kinds of web hosting?

Yes, of course! There are many different varieties of web hosting, designed to meet different needs. A two-page web site set up by an individual will need far less robust web hosting package than a multinational high-traffic site set up by a company. There are a few key differentiating factors between the packages web hosting companies provide.

Amount of web space

This means how much web space the web hosting company will allow you to use for your web site. This can vary but usually starts at around the 50 megabytes mark, and can go all the way up to 100 or 200 megabytes. For all but the biggest web sites, 50MB is more than adequate. Some web hosting companies offer much more space - they are able to do this because they know that the average web site comes in at less than 50 megabytes.

Number of email addresses

This means how many email addresses the hosting company will permit you to have. For budget accounts, this is usually somewhere between 1 and 10 email addresses. Some higher-end packages permit say 250 addresses. Here at UKcentric we like to go one further whenever possible of course, most of our web hosting packages come with up to 100 email addresses.