Sunday, 26 December 2010

How to delete permanent redirection of website in Linux

Yes, you can remove the redirects via SSH. Login to server and cd to directory /home/<user>/public_html/ directory and you will see the redirects in .htaccess files.
where, <user> is the actual username of the account.

Knowledge Base Web Hosting Free Guide, Web Hosting Discussion Community

Internal Server Error 500

if internal Server Error occur in php based hosted file
you can do the following
go to
pico /home/vulhr/public_html/.htaccess

in this  vulhr is domain name
and comment these below line as these are

#php_value file_uploads 1
#php_value post_max_size 100M
#php_value max_input_time -1
#php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
a web hosting guide for all IT Professionals knowledge base web hosting guide

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

How to install Fantastico in Cpanel (WHM)

How to install Fantastico  in Cpanel (WHM)

if you dont have Fantastico and need to install
it in your cpanel here its just few steps
(1)  Give the following command in ssh in linux

cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
wget -N
tar -xzpf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
rm -rf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz

Then Go to Tweak Setting remember must login in whm as Root

then go to its option option IonCubeLoader   is on
by default it is off
Then go to ssh in linux OS
and Run This 


This will rebuild cpanel internal Php

Now restart Cpanel service by following command

service cpanel restart

its magic and its fun your Fantastico is installed
and ready to use now to to Whm again
and allow users (Fantastico) you want

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

how to Backup of your website from Cpanel WHM

Today we will discuss how to take backup of a website
from cpanel whm
In previous discussion i have already told you how to login
in cpanel most of the users from USA Canada  Australia
ask me how to take backup from cpanel so her it is a brief
guide line it will enable you to take a full back up of your
website in case if you loose your data or if you are going to
change your hosting , you can easily upload your entire website
i assume you are already login in cpanel
go to backup option in cpanel click on it
there will be now option display weekly or daily this is the main backup
screen  scroll down the screen click on the full bacup option because
now you are going to download a full back of your web site
there is an option of
backup destination     click on remote ftp
email address            enter the email id
remote ftp       
remote ftp user         your ftp user where you want to save
password                  password of remote ftp username
now click on generate backup
a complete back up will generated in your remote ftp account

Friday, 17 December 2010

how to use cpanel

how to login in cpanel
open your browser, type your cpanel path which can be like this
a new pop up windows appear where you give your user-name and password which is provided by  your hosting service provider enter , now you are login and can manage your task from cpanel(whm)
How to create email for your domain
Now lets create a pop email account , go to email accounts option in c panel click Manage Ad email account there will be already email account in your Email accounts option which is default log in of your c panel provided by hosting provider, now click on add new email account , remember if you have more than one domain in this panel , like sub-domain     which will appear like this hear  then be careful to choose correct domain so your email can be in correct address which you want to represent ,,,now enter your new email address which can be  yourname  choose password, confirm password  and quota , press create button and now your email has been created and now you can use your new email address  and   here is often email link     OR        

how to create subdomain
click to subdomain icon or text which is visible in c panel new window will appear where you will enter your subdomain name and press add now your sub-domain is ready to use

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Obtaining hosting

Web hosting is often provided as part of a general Internet access plan; there are many free and paid providers offering these services. The free services generally have restrictions on how the space can be used, including but not limited to: advertising, bandwidth restrictions, and programs that can be used to edit sites.

Businesses are generally restricted to using a paid Web host to host their site on. Paid Web hosts usually provide many more features, including 24/7 support and personalized assistance. Sites hosted on paid Web hosts also tend to load more quickly since each server hosts fewer sites, giving each site a larger proportion of resources.

A customer also needs to evaluate the requirements of the application. Such considerations include database server software, scripting software, and operating system. Active Server Pages (ASP) web sites usually require a Microsoft Windows based server platform. Most hosting providers provide Linux-based web hosting which offers a wide range of different software. A typical configuration for a Linux server is the LAMP Platform. This includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Python, Perl or Ruby). Usually there is limited interoperability between the two, although Linux servers can integrate with Windows file services through Samba, and many Linux hosts provide support for Microsoft FrontPage server extensions.

Regardless of whether one is a business or has a personal site that needs to be hosted, it has to be created first. HTML experience is usually required to create a site (and more advanced languages can be used for interactive content, such as ASP or those languages